Click and Collect
How will I know when my Click and Collect order is ready?
We'll send you an email when your order is ready.
What do I need to bring to collect my order?
We will need to see the order confirmation email, and proof of ID. This can be a current photographic driver’s license or passport.
How long will you hold my order?
We’ll hold your order in our shop for 7 days, after which we’ll refund you your payment. However, for plants, we will hold your order for 3 days.
Stock Availability
Can I request orders for products that are out of stock?
If there are items that you would like to purchase that state 'sold out' on our online shop, get in touch with us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. All of our products (except Kokedama moss balls) are supplied from Japan, so we will be able to organise a special delivery for you. Most of our products are handmade, so there may be slight differences in appearance to the product photographs.
Email us: shop@wagumi-j.com
Call us: +44(0)20 7928 1427